Careers and Jobs in India

Careers and Jobs in India


SBI results are just announced and many of you who couldn't clear it are on the way to start preparing for IBPS. There couldn't be any other perfect timing for this post than "Now"!!

The way to crack Banking exams is to learn daily!!

The whole paper consists of five different sections and, believesme, every section is equally important! If you’re good at English but incompetent at Quant, there are 99.9% chances that you will not make it to the interviews. So, the secret is to be a master in every section!

For Quant!

Believe it or not, if ignoring the printing mistakes and clichés, all the books are just the same. All the same X and Y and all the same calculations. Follow book of Sarvesh K Verma, or Arun Sharma, or of M Tyra, every book will tell you much the same thing!!

But if you really want to feel mathematics in your veins, learn the basics first. If you know one minutes has 60 seconds, you can simply calculate the number of seconds in 27 minutes is this and if the speed is doubled, you can perform this work in this time. And one more thing, don’t go for short trick, invent new tricks of your own! The examiner really isn’t looking for how many tricks you know. He’s looking at how fast you are in arriving at the proper method while solving the question!

Do puzzles! They’re food for thought! Think differently! The next step remains is Practice. Practice questions as much as you can!!

For English!

You see, there are two types of questions they ask from this section: Economics related questions, and Story related. So, try to read both. English can be learned from reading Newspaper (you can read online), from Novels (again, you can read online). For good English, you must have in hand English Dictionary and Thesaurus. These are the bibles! Download Oxford dictionary and thesaurus if you’re comfortable with learning on PC/Lappy.

If you don’t know how a sentence is built up and why two different words combine to give a completely different meaning, you must dive into a different sort of English learning, i.e. the basics grammar. Start from basics. Know what nouns and pronouns and adjectives are. Know how to say of past and present and future in English. Know why a word has many meaning and some words really mean nothing at all. English is fun if you feel it is.

For GK!

There's no proper source. No matter if you’re learning it through capsules, through magazines, through newspapers, or TV of feeds or websites, just learn. GK is to be learned from many sources. Everything that’s been happening around you makes up this section. Whether you're watching AajTak, or downloading the new Movies via Torrent, or waiting for an upcoming novel to be released by ChetanBhagat, Everything becomes a part of GK. So, keep a track of the latest updates. And please, try to grasp the only updates keeping in mind the exam point of view. Examiner never asks if Shakuntala Devi died in her home or in some hospital. They never ask if there are 12 rape cases filed by this and this on this and that date. So, only learn what's beneficial for you! Don’t accumulate junk GK!

For Reasoning!

Now, let’s move on to reasoning section. Reasoning itself means, "How fast you can reason or think!" Start thinking fast/quick! Do practice a lot! Learn new ways yourself! This is the only section where nobody can teach you the perfect logic! You yourself have to devise those logics that fit for you! Ever thought why government asks these reasoning questions when the real job is totally the opposite of it? It’s the reasoning level of you they want to know!

For computers!

It’s a day to day learning. New more technologies are coming overnight. New brands are gaining more popularity than the old ones. Nobody knew Facebook 10 years before, but now it’s the size of a Continent and everybody knows it. So, be in touch with gadget world. Plus, don’t forget to read from where this world came from. Learn basics of semiconductors, then electronics, then basics of digital electronics, then move on to microprocessors, then microcontrollers, then computer, and then everything fits in perfectly! Then only you’ll know how and why a computer works!

Some personal tips!

Gone were the days when people used to study nothing and attempt 195+ questions thereby scoring 150+ marks! Now the whole level has changed. Whole idea of conducting the exams has enhanced. But still, some people make it to the interviews while studying less. It’s because they are smart and they do things smartly!!

Now you have to be smart as well while attempting the paper.

To become smart, there’s only one more thing you have to do apart from learning! And that is “Time Management”

You’re given 2 hours, i.e. 120 minutes. Five sections, that means 24 minutes each. But do you really feel 24 minutes are all for GK or Computer?

GK can be done in 10 minutes itself.

English section can be done in 15-20 minutes.

Computer section can be done in 10-12 minutes.

You can do these sections in less time and utilize the remaining time doing more time consuming questions. What takes time are the Reasoning and Quant section. Reasoning is like a wise lady. Smile and she’ll offer you her gifts. But Quant is treacherous. If you don’t know her methods, you’re doomed! So, devote your maximum time to these two sections.

One more thing to be always kept in mind!

Every section is to be attempted so you can clear the minimum cut off! Don’t waste too much of your time attempting all the 40 questions of reasoning or quant that you have no time to attempt even five questions of the remaining sections!

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