Bharat Electronics Ltd., a Navaratna Company and India’s premier Professional Electronics Company, requires outstanding professionals for its PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION CENTRE, Bangaluru in E-II, EIII amp; EIV Grade. PDamp;IC is a new center of excellence in Bharat Electronics Ltd for Product Ramp;D. It is being established for the development of very modern technological products and solutions covering all business segments of professional electronics, in the upcoming modern design facility at 26 acres of land with 45000 sqm of floor space. With the highest ever Ramp;D investment in BEL, this centralize Product Ramp;D facility will develop very modern products/ sub-systems to be manufactured by various Units/ SBUs of BEL. Bharat Electronics Ltd provides opportunity to experienced amp; competent engineering professionals having ability in design to build career in niche technological areas.
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